richmond oil refinery fire today

From what we saw, most of the smoke went up high and we didnt see anything on the ground here.. Chevron again will need to explain to the community why the Richmond refinery is worth the risks that accompany it. "RP states an unplanned upset occurred releasing an unknown amount of SO2 into the atmosphere," a statement noted. Activists will be led by Richmond Our Power Coalition, made up of local community organizations that fight for climate justice. Revise API RP 2001: Fire Protection in Refineries to require users to develop a process fluid leak response protocol specific to their own facility that must be followed when a process fluid leak is discovered. The Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) will convene a public meeting on January 28, 2015, starting at 6:00 p.m. at 440 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA, 94804. @KRON4Desk #kutv #KCBSPhoneForce Our team did go out to the site and run tests, he said before referencing the afternoons light southerly winds that dissipated most of the smoke within 30 to 45 minutes. 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CSB Releases Board Approved Regulatory Report on Chevron Refinery Fire - Proposes a More Rigorous Refinery Industry Regulatory System in California, New California Law on Refinery Maintenance Operations Can Prevent Accidents, Save Lives, Effective Regulation of Chemical Industry Still Elusive Since 1989 Accident - Houston Chronicle Op-ed, California is Leading the Way on Oil Refinery Safety - Sacramento Bee Op-ed, Testimony of U.S. Chemical Safety Board Chairperson Rafael Moure-Eraso at March 6, 2014, Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Hearing, Statement from Chairperson Rafael Moure-Eraso on California Refinery Safety Interagency Working Group Final Report, Public comments on the CSB's Draft Report, "Regulatory Report: Chevron Richmond Refinery Pipe Rupture (Report No. Get Morning Report and other email newsletters. The company also linked to a flaring fact sheet for more information. Anyone with questions may call the refinerys general number at 510-242-2000, ask about specific noises or odors at 510-242-2127, or email RICHMOND, Calif. (AP) A major fire at one of the country's biggest oil refineries that sent scores of people to hospitals with breathing problems will push gas prices above $4 a gallon on the . RICHMOND An unspecified equipment issue at the Chevron refinery led to flaring Thursday evening, officials said, with smoke visible for miles around the facility. THE Chevron oil refinery in Richmond, California appeared to have smoke billowing out of it on Tuesday afternoon, worrying nearby residents. ii. Lance Iversen/The Chronicle Show More Show Less 8 of 27 Smoke from a Chevron Oil . Anyone with questions may call the refinerys general number at 510-242-2000, ask about specific noises or odors at 510-242-2127, visit the refinerys air-monitoring site athttps://www.richmondairmonitoring.orgor Require the analysis and incorporation of applicable industry best practices and inherently safer design to the greatest extent feasible into this review; and. Select an expert third party that will administer a periodic process safety culture survey; b. The Richmond Our Power Coalition commemorates the 2012 Chevron refinery explosion. Chevron refinery is on fire again?!!?" We coexist with industry in the area, which is why we have high regulatory standards. View our online Press Pack. At a minimum: a. AUGUST 15, 2012. @ktvu @KCBSRadio @KRON4Desk @Chevron @ChevronRichmond, Pennie Opal Plant (@PennieOpal) May 28, 2021, Richmond Chevron right now with huge gray smoke and fire coming from 2 stacks. This section shall require users to identify carbon steel piping circuits at risk to contain low-silicon components by following the requirements detailed in API RP 939-C: Guidelines for Avoiding Sulfidation (Sulfidic) Corrosion Failures in Oil Refineries (pursuant to 2012-03-I-CA-R26(a)) and API RP 578: Material Verification Program for New and Existing Alloy Piping Systems (pursuant to 2012-03-I-CA-R29). There protesters painted and touched up colorful murals on the roadway with anti-Chevron slogans, waving yellow and black banners that said Stand Up to Big Oil.. Anyone with questions may call the refinerys general number at 510-242-2000, ask about specific noises or odors at 510-242-2127, visit the refinerys air-monitoring site at or e-mail Today, the event is a footnote of Bay Area history. Investigators with the U.S. Chemical Safety Board reported that Chevron had ignored warnings about corrosion in the pipe that eventually caused the fire. Gioia released a statement criticizing the oil giant on Monday: Chevron has failed the community by its recent flaring due to problems at its cogeneration plant. The purpose of this practice is to identify any low-silicon components that are corroding at accelerated rates. This oversight committee shall: Closed - Acceptable Alternative Action (C - AAA). Chevron Richmond refinery flare visible in East, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Map: Track this weekends rain in the Bay Area, Chevron Richmond refinery flare visible in East Bay. He has worked as an online coordinator and, before that, a copy editor and page designer for Bay Area-based newspapers and magazines. iv. RICHMOND A process upset unit at the Chevron refinery Sunday sent flames, smoke and foul odors into rain-soaked West Contra Costa County skies. Randy Sawyer of Contra Costa Countys Health Services department, who oversees hazmat response, said the incident appeared to be a plant upset at the refinery, where gases in process were sent to a flaring system to be burned off. Implement a compensation system to ensure the regulator has the ability to attract and retain a sufficient number of employees with the necessary skills and experience to ensure regulator technical competency at all levels of process safety regulatory oversight and policy development in California. A march organizer leads protesters in chants as the group proceeds through Richmond to the Chevron oil refinery. Documented damage mechanism hazard review conducted by a diverse team of qualified personnel. There was a large demonstration at Chevron in 2013, one year after the explosion. Conduct a pre-response meeting with personnel with specific technical expertise (e.g., inspectors, operators, metallurgists, engineers, and management) and the Incident Commander to determine pressure, temperature, remaining inventory of process fluids, potential damage mechanisms that caused the leak, and worst-case leak scenario; c. Establish a hot zone that identifies the area of risk of exposure or injuries due to flame contact, radiant heat, or contact to hazardous materials, taking into consideration the worst-case leak scenario; d. Limit site access around leak location to essential personnel only; e. Isolate the leaking piping or vessel, or if isolation is not possible, shutdown of the unit when the leaking process fluid poses immediate danger to safety, health, or the environmentsuch as piping fluid that is toxic or near the autoignition temperature. It was one of 124 other "significant" U.S. oil refinery incidents that occurred that year, according to the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, commonly known as the Chemical Safety Board, or CSB., Contra Costa Health Services (@CoCoHealth) August 10, 2021, 1-Hr #timelapse from @AlertWildfire's Nichol Knob 1 Camera showing the progress of the smoke plume coming from the Chevron Refinery in Richmond, CA. Fleck said the march was a remembrance, but also a call to action to use available technology to move away from dirty energy sources like fossil fuels. Establish a system to report to the regulator the recognized methodologies, findings, conclusions and corrective actions related to refinery mechanical integrity inspection and repair work arising from Process Hazard Analyses, California oil refinery turnarounds and maintenance-related shutdowns; Require reporting of information such as damage mechanism hazard reviews, notice of upcoming maintenance-related shutdowns, records related to proposed and completed mechanical integrity work lists, and the technical rationale for any delay in work proposed but not yet completed; Establish procedures for greater workforce and public participation including the public reporting of information; and. In a statement to ABC7 News, Chevron writes: "This morning at approximately 11:20 a.m., the Chevron Richmond Refinery experienced flaring activity due to an upset at a process unit. No actions by the public are needed. Monitor and confirm the effective implementation of the damage mechanism hazard review program (2012-03-I-CA-R1 and 2012-03-I-CA-R2), so that all necessary mechanical integrity work at the Chevron Richmond Refinery is identified and recommendations are completed in a timely way. A fire at Tesoro Corporation's March Point facility near Anacortes, WA, on 04/02/2012 killed 7 people and idled that plant for months. Off work, he enjoys playing in bands, busking and karaoke. "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. Richmond Vice Mayor Eduardo Martinez then called for the crowd to take local action on climate justice. He has worked as an online coordinator and, before that, a copy editor and page designer for Bay Area-based newspapers and magazines. Off work, he enjoys playing in bands, busking and karaoke. Gas prices in Berkeley have been on the rise since a fire at the Chevron oil refinery in Richmond rendered a portion of the facility inoperable. Closed - Acceptable Action (C - AA) - The recipient has completed action on the recommendation. His first newspaper job was as a Washington Post paperboy. Reference API RP 939-C: Guidelines for Avoiding Sulfidation (Sulfidic) Corrosion Failures in Oil Refineries when discussing that nonsilicon-killed carbon steel is susceptible to sulfidation corrosion; and. Events will begin at 9:30 a.m. with protesters gathering at the Richmond BART station and marching to the Chevron refinery. Revise API RP 939-C: Guidelines for Avoiding Sulfidation (Sulfidic) Corrosion Failures in Oil Refineries to establish minimum requirements for preventing catastrophic rupture of low-silicon carbon steel piping. Revise the Richmond Industrial Safety Ordinance (RISO) regulations for petroleum refineries to require a process safety culture continuous improvement program including a written procedure for periodic process safety culture surveys across the work force. Refer the reader to the 100 percent component inspection or pipe replacement requirements detailed in API RP 939-C: Guidelines for Avoiding Sulfidation (Sulfidic) Corrosion Failures in Oil Refineries (pursuant to recommendation 2012-03-I-CA-26(b)) and API 570: Piping Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration of Piping Systems (pursuant to 2012-03-I-CA-28(c)) for carbon steel piping circuits susceptible to sulfidation corrosion that may contain low-silicon components.