To upgrade the Star of a Commander, you can use specific-commander sculptures or the universal sculptures. You definitely make a good point about the problem with AOE damage. I think its a great resource and raises a lot of interesting points. Although the experience to lohar is wasted for pvp, the power leveling of my primary pvp commander hopefully makes up for that. He is an undisputed leader in leading archer units, excellent for open-field, great garrison defender, and versatile for PVE and PVP. and our There are 4 types of commanders, below, we will explain each of them and how to obtain them: They are the most powerful commanders in the game thanks to their skills and absolute strength of rarity. Only invest for specific roles. He counters healing well and is versatile and now that he's a few months into the game, it's safe to say that he is amazing and paired with a commander like Nebu. Osman Talent Tree is bad for field fights so you will usually use him as a secondary commander. Every Commander in Rise of Kingdoms has their own set of skills both passive and active. You need to use a full archer army with him, but that's fine for the use cases he's designed for. YSG is considered one of the best commanders in Rise of Kingdoms and as F2P players is one of the best options for any task, both PVP and PVE. They are varied in terms of their form of skills and talents, but they are not recommended for almost any main task of the game, the use of these is only exclusive if we decide to use them in some work, however, we must be aware that they will not be our best option. Xiang Yu is one of the most popular cavalry legendary commanders in rise of kingdoms(ROK). No priority if you're F2P or low-spender. Soul of the Crusaders is his active skill, which provides a strong debuff to the enemies in term of damage reduction. Joans gathering skill increases all gathering speed and troop load by 25%. For talents, focus on the Infantry path and build towards "Snare of Thorns" and "Elite Soldiers". He is a specialized cavalry commander who excels at dishing out serious amounts of damage and a very powerful attacker when it comes to fighting against neutral units like barbarians. Its Liliths attempt to introduce a new civilization (Vikings) which also sucks. The Lionheart is his expert skill for infantry, increasing the attack and defense of infantry by a maximum of 15%, followed by Battle Hardened which improves the healing effect on Richard by 30% and the attack that our watchtower suffers while Richard leads the garrison is reduced to a maximum of 30%. Nothing special but also not bad is the best way to describe him. She should be upgraded to Level 30 to unlock her 4th skill and you should use epic commander sculptures to unlock her expertise skill. Each of their talents improves the effectiveness of our commander and troops whether it is hunting barbarians, destroying barbarian forts or defeating event bosses in Rise of Kingdoms. Don't invest after that! Paired with Harald, you can even trade positive when getting swarmed. When we start as beginners in Rise of Kingdoms, one of the greatest difficulties we face is the commanders in all their categories. The truth is, he's getting old and there's not much use in building him these days as the newer commander are better. His expertise Second to None can trigger a double cast of the Chosen One by probability when he leads only cavalry units, one very important skill for any game mode, both PVP and PVE. Don't invest after that! She's still viable in all other game parts of Rise of Kingdoms and the only downside is you need all archer troops to really get her rolling well. And greatly disagree with the f for sunset canyon she is definitely top 5 for epic commanders. Don't invest Universal Sculptures into this commander. Seondeok is a pure farming commander and should not have any priority to invest in, especially not Universal Sculptures. If you use a primary commander expert in leading cavalry, do not match it with a secondary commander that is expert in leading infantry, one either of the two would stop working depending on the units we assign them, or both would work with the use of mixed troops, but it is not recommended since many of the talents and skills of commanders require a single type of unit for their maximum use. Aoe commanders I'm new to playing RoK and recently went to join a guardian attack. I love writing guides and doing guide videos for the game. Invest Prio - Before SoC/KvK4 ONLY! Here are all legendary commanders as you can't rank epic and legendary commanders in Rise of Kingdoms along each other - for epic commanders please look at the ranking below (or use the search above) Scipio Africanus Prime S+ Show More Alexander Nevsky S+ Show More Xiang Yu S+ Show More Boudica Prime S Show More Joan of Arc Prime S Show More Yi Sun-Sin (YSS) is a good city defense commander with an amazing troop buff that works on all of your troops. Harald Sigurdsson is a super hard-hitting direct damage skill and quite versatile in using him for PvP, conquering or open-field hunting. Hopefully you have found this article helpful. Sargon makes a strong appearance right from the start and although his active skill is not that great and hard to fully apply, especially in the open field where targets switch so much, his buffs and debuffs are insane and having him in a multi-march setup just scales through the rooftop adding so much buffs. Up to date with version 1.0.63 (December 7th, 2022), I updated some rankings for some commanders and also added the two new commanders Tariq and Sargon. He appears in the Wheel of Fortune event between days 150-155, where you can spend some gems to unlock him (get 10 sculptures), then spend the golden sculptures to max him out and have a commander for every moment of the game, all events and all tasks, excellent for PVP in open-field, undoubtedly an amazing commander. Attack: Strong and powerful commanders within Rise of Kingdoms have this specialization that grants multiple benefits for any type of unit regardless of their purpose, each of their talents offer an offensive gameplay, capable of causing a great impact in PVP battles. Like the stars, do not waste experience books on commanders that you will not use, they can be of help later depending on the game progress you have and the more advanced commanders you have can benefit from this experience. Conquering: A specialization purely for PVP and attack precisely on garrisons. They are not as powerful as the legendary commanders, but they will be very helpful if we are F2P players especially because they require less time and effort to raise them to the maximum, unlike a Legendary. ROK is without a doubt one of the most well-known and highly engaging games all around the world. I always had the feeling that she will make it higher in the meta but it was always close but not enough. No priority if you're F2P or low-spender. Also, her talent tree is terrible so I would not recommend using her. Invest Prio - High! large scale, a fearsome ability. Scipio Africanus Prime is a crazy commander and the only thing he is not good in is defending (which doesn't matter). Genghis Khan has the lowest rage requirement below 1,000 and a massive damage factor plus the chance of 30% to cast that skill again makes him stand out a lot. The Garrison / Watchtower attack is increased by 5% while he serves as commander of the garrison. Sun Tzu's main power is AOE so you need to focus on Nuker (now Skill) NOT infantry. Cookie Notice 4 12 comments Best Add a Comment MrPresident98 4 yr. ago If you are new to the game and do not have experience with any other video game specialization system, I recommend that you check each of our commanders separately before embarking on this adventure, within each profile you will find a detailed guide of talents and recommended specializations. Cyrus is a full-blown archery commander and has skills that make him a beast when it comes do dealing skill damage and buffing troop damage. Charlemagne is nowadays nothing more than a niche role commander you shouldn't build or use. Thanks all for the dialogue and HUGE thanks to woody for this guide. Leadership: A general specialization for commanders who choose the absolute leadership of their army, each of the improvements within this one grant incredible versatility for open-field combat or attacks on garrisons, since they precisely improve the statistics of their army no matter the type of units they lead. For more information, please see our Still a great commander to run and useful. There are three main purposes that commanders have in this game, fighting in PvP, fighting in PvE, and gathering resources. Can help you in Sunset Canyon and is viable in the earlier stages of the game, don't use him beyond that! 5/5/5/5 skill distribution. Joan is also a top commander once maxed and become a solide primary commander to be pair with any legendary commander you might have level through luck and got to 5/1/1/1. I recommend pairing her with Edward so both of them will work perfectly on that and will give you such a high output of DPS that she needs to be ranked like this. A big misconception about commanders is that you need a commander specifically for PvE. Thanks for reading! Don't invest Universal Sculptures into this commander. The list isnt functional. Infantry: Specialization for commanders expert in leading infantry, their talents will grant these units improvements in fundamental statistics that will systematically grow into a powerful army under the command of these leaders. Also, adds march speed in the right build so great open field option, especially for starting out with him! It is one of the most used commanders and the best option for the first KvK event due to his excellent resistance. We can unlock him in the tavern with the Golden Keys on any day of the kingdom. singelolycka pite flashback. AOE COMMANDERS WORTH FOCUSING ON - Rise of Kingdoms Gekko Gaming 35.7K subscribers Join Subscribe 13K views 3 years ago #StrategyLivesHere #RiseofKingdoms #RiseofKingdomsGameplay Discord:. As their buff and debuff will benefits your stronger allies. Being new players, we must follow certain steps, tricks, and tips depending on what we have to use our commanders safely. Sun Tzu is wrapping up the S Tier for the epic commanders. Alliances can give your civilization a strategic advantage. I heavily prioritize move speed over other factors because if you cant control your position, you can frequently be either irrelevant or just dead. No priority if you're F2P or low-spender. I honestly find it offensive that you would even claim such a preposterous theme. The most efficient way to farm experience and resources is by rallying Barbarian Forts.