Antennas are not usually used on outdoor nets. Pepper This is a common drill or warm-up exercise where two players hit the ball back and forth to each other in close range. In volleyball, this happens quickly and frequently. SA Service Aces Same as Aces listed above, listed this way to keep statistics in a game. Get the Ape mug. The games are the sets that make up the match. Second, theres whats called a zero attack the attack was made, but the defense dug the ball and kept the play going. Their role is to play the second contact and deliver the ball to the attackers in a position to hit for a kill. Power Tip A power tip is a specific type of forceful tip thats more aggressive. November 3, 2010 mrmepham. In many leagues, the leagues season is actually simply a single round-robin format. This is a quick way to return to action after the play. Volleyball has so many unique terms, statistics, and abbreviations, you can easily get lost in all the vocabulary. Spike The spike is usually the third contact for your team. It is often used for the team to regroup, rest, and strategize. HIT To jump and strike the ball with an overhand, forceful shot. Invite others in to share your glory as well. cano health locations. They weigh 9.2 to 9.9 ounces, or 260-280-grams. Round Robin This is when all the teams in a given field, play each other team. Roof When a player jumps above the height of the net and blocks the ball. A common euphemism for this type of game is Picnic Volleyball.. OFFSIDE BLOCK Player at the net, which is on the side away from the opponents attack. ape synonyms, ape pronunciation, ape translation, English dictionary definition of ape. So, what does BAPE mean? It may also mean that you are being to dominating or overpowering in some area of your life. KEY To predict a teams next play by observation of patterns or habits. KILL An attack that results in an immediate point or side out. Volleyball has so many unique terms, statistics, and abbreviations, you can easily get lost in all the vocabulary. Variations include the bump set, quick set, and backset. Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Learn more about what a good hitting percentage is here. FOREARM PASS Join your arms from the elbows to the wrists and strike the ball with the fleshy part of your forearms in an underhand motion. As a team, you must start each rally in a specific rotation in the game of volleyball, meaning you must stand in the appropriate . Short Set This is another name for quick set. of the following: 1) the ball lands out of bounds, 2) the. OVERLAP refers to the positions of the players in the rotation prior to the contact of the ball when serving. For example, She set the ball off, and I had to play it safe and gave them a free ball.. If your wingspan is shorter than your height you will have a negative index - 3 inches shorter would be a -3 ape index. KE Kill Error When a kill is attempted, there are only 3 possible outcomes. Traditional financial firms endured a brutal introduction in early 2021 to the subreddit r/WallStreetBets, a forum full of mostly-amateur traders who describe themselves as "apes" and "degenerates." Driven as much by a subversive sense of humor and an anti-establishment ethos as by the lure of wealth, the group powered an otherworldly rally in GameStop in January. BLOCK A defensive play by one or more players meant to deflect a spiked ball back to the hitters court. Lift This is a violation that is called when a player misplays the ball. The one on a stand or chair is called the 1st referee or the up ref. Rotational Home This is the rotational position that you are in when the play is stopped. You can find the USA womens JOV page here and the USA mens JOV page here. The name comes from a play off of the name of Badminton. Match. For more information about line judges, check out our article called Volleyball Officials: Meet The Refs. Created by. MINTONETTE The original name of the game of volleyball, created by William Morgan. Single Elimination A tournament format where after each match, whichever team loses is eliminated from the competition. This term is interchangeable with attack or spike.. 6. The second referee stands on the opposite side of the court, near the scorers table, and is called the down ref. Free Wukong! They are also referred to as the right-side hitter. There is a maximum of 15 substitutions per game. Your team rotates one position each time it regains possession of the serve. This is your time to be in the spotlight and to shine at work. This term is interchangeable with hit or attack.. Using an overhand swing, the hitter attacks or spikes the ball to try to end the rally with a point for their team. My parents went totally ape when they found out I'd wrecked the car! VEBT Volleyball England Beach Tour. Gorilla Dream Meaning. The Volleyball is a gear made by Roblox on July 30, 2011. Moriah_Cicalo. Approach This is the term that describes the hitters step progression leading up to their attack. Usually, this is by accident, or when a team has made a mistake running their offense. Larger tournaments may have more brackets as needed. Jump Serve When a player uses a jump during their serve. Mountain gorillas have longer hair and shorter arms than their lowland cousins. OVERHAND PASS A pass executed with both hands open, controlled by the fingers and thumbs, played just above the forehead. If more than one player could have gotten the ball and let it drop between them, the team is charged with the RE, not just one individual. This is when the ball is delivered to an attacker so that it can be struck in an offensive way. It is the sum of the regular annualized premium from the new business plus 10% of the first single premium in a given period. K Kill This is a statistic that is credited to an attacker when they hit the ball and it results in an immediate point. Klemencic on While there are many ways for this to happen, the most known example is of the ball landing inside the court without the other team touching it. 1. Hitters faced with a block usually have the choice to try to hit down the sideline or on an angle. TA Total Attempts This is a statistic that tracks the total number of attack attempts. hertz do not rent list customer service; how to assemble a fluid head tripod; sam goody rv membership. The content of this post is presented for folkloric, historical, and cultural purposes. Only $47.88/year. A single yellow card does not result in loss of point or serve. While volleyball terms can be tough to grasp for new coaches, some of the most difficult to handle are when someone asks you if you're going to run a "5-1 . Co-Ed A mixed team, one man and one woman. Right back. RECEPTION ERROR A serve that a player should have been able to return, but results in an ace (and only in the case of an ace). ASSIST Passing or setting the ball to a teammate who attacks the ball for a kill. WIPE when a hitter pushes the ball off of the opposing block so it lands out of bounds. They should be heavily involved in the blocking defense, combining with the other hitters when possible. Within one day after the launch, all the NFTs were bought and their price continued to rise due to high demand with a Bored Ape NFT now . So if your team attacks the ball and the other team blocks it, the player who passes it to keep it in play is said to have covered.. Screening A violation where a player or players on a team try to block the view of the server or the ball during the serve so that the opposition cant see. Ace This is listed in the statistics sheets as SA Service Ace. This is a recruiting service for athletes who play any sport that want to begin the recruiting process. -Help: Usually the setter calls help if the first contact is passed too far away for them to be able to reach it. They release updated rules about once every four years to keep the game current and evolving. ATK Attack The attack hit is usually the third contact for your team. MF Middle Front The position on the court that is the center of the front row. Quick Set This is a set that is purposely set very close to the top of the net. ROTATION The clockwise movement of players around the court and through the serving position following a side out. DEEP SET Set to be hit away from the net to confuse or disrupt the timing of the blockers. Boom A ball spiked straight down into the sand. AAU Amateur Athletic Union. To calculate this you just take their total kills and divide it by the number of games theyve played. Cover Cover is when a player gets to a ball after it has been sent back by a block. Total Team Blocks This is the total number of points won by blocks. READY POSITION: The position and stance that any player takes just before hitting the ball. MH Middle Hitter This position on the team, also known as the middle blocker usually occupies the middle of the front row. Learn all about the different serves in volleyball here. Platform Your platform is the surface that you create with your forearms for bumping a pass. On this site, we share everything we've learned that will help players, parents, and coaches to become the best they can be at the sport we love. This can be a platform pass using the underhand bump with both forearms or two open hands in a volley. Ten-foot line image by Joe Martin from Pixabay. The clockwise movement from one position to the next going around the court in the 6 different spots. The server stands just outside the end line to serve. When hitting the ball the hand should contact the ball behind, but then snap the wrist over top of the ball, creating a forward spin. Flashcards. Target In volleyball, a target is a place the passer or setter is imagining that they intend to send the ball. Scorebook Also sometimes simply called the book. This is the official book that scorekeepers use to track the lineup, the score, timeouts, substitutions, and sanctions. BA Block Assists This is a tracked statistic in volleyball. The match is the overall meeting between the two teams. When hitting, the space between two blockers. DOUBLE QUICK Two hitters approaching the setter for a quick inside hit. Using an overhand swing, the spiker hits or spikes the ball to try to end the rally with a point for their team. This is often the best option for liberos if they have to set from the front zone. NCCAA National Christian College Athletics Association. In indoor volleyball this will be metal, in beach volleyball, it may be wooden. The setter may do this while standing or jumping. It is using your hands to deflect the ball upward, contacting the ball above your shoulders. 4-2 Rotation The strategic plan or scheme that a coach implements, that involves 4 hitters and 2 setters. Description: APE is computed as: APE = Annualized regular premium + 10 % of single premium . Shot When the ball is set, but instead of a hard hit, the player makes a calculated hit to a strategic spot. If you have a negative ape index, you may be better suited to sports like running, soccer, cycling, and others where long arms are not necessarily an advantage. SET The tactical skill in which a ball is directed to a point where a player can spike it into the opponents court. Great apes include but are not limited to orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, Bonobo, and African great apes. Originated through the 'apes together strong' meme which came about through CryptoMessiah. 0 Attack Zero Attack Also referred to as an AA Attack Attempt. Serving a volley ball or spiking during the game indicates that the light is shining on you and all eyes are your way. The result of a red card may be a player is disqualified, the team loses the serve, or the team loses a point. The player keeps their hands joined together and forms a platform with their arms that they use to bump the ball back up into the air. Physical Education shall take place in a supportive environment in which students learn, practice, and receive assessment on developmentally appropriate motor skills, social skills, and knowledge as defined by the North Carolina Healthful Living Standard Course of Study and that fosters support and guidance for being physically active. Deep The back row area of the court is deep. To hit the ball deep is to send it to the back row. Server The player who serves the ball to begin the rally. PANCAKE A one-handed defensive technique where the hand is extended and the palm is slid along the floor as the player dives or extension rolls, and timed so that the ball bounces off the back of the hand. Pin Hitter This simply refers to the hitters that play on the side portions of the court near the pins, as opposed to the middle hitter who typically plays in the center of the court. Illegal Alignment/ Improper Server. Collapse The act of collapsing your body by bending your knees and folding your elbows to get under the ball and pop it up. Sideline The outer boundaries of the court, which are the long sides of the rectangle. This is instead of a dive, if youre already where the ball is coming, you just need to get down under it. They are attached to a cord that holds on to the boundary lines. This can also be called hitting angle. Officials This refers to the staff that is refereeing the game. An exchange of hits between the teams. BE Blocking Error A blocking error is assigned to a player whenever they are called for a violation while trying to execute a block. Learn all about the creation and history of volleyball by reading our article called Who Invented The Game Of Volleyball? STUFF A ball that is deflected back to the attacking teams floor by the opponents blockers. DG Dig This statistic is credited to the defensive player who makes a playable pass after the opposition executes a hard-driven attack on the ball. MULTIPLE OFFENSE A system of play using different types of sets other than just normal outside sets. PCT This stands for percent, and in volleyball, it reflects the hitting percentage. If you're here because you've been wondering, "what the heck is a "5-1" and what does that even mean?" you're in the right place! The attempt by one team to terminate the play by hitting the ball to the floor on the opponents side. At the end of April, a website called the Bored Ape Yacht Club launched ten thousand unique images of cartoon apes, which could be bought as NFTs for ~$200 in Ethereum (0.068 ETH at the time of release). 1. What is the meaning of APE? This is also called outside hitter. ATTACKER Also hitter or spiker. A player who attempts to hit a ball offensively with the purpose of terminating play in his or her teams favor. So the passer is attempting to send their pass to the setter and the specific area on the court where the setter is supposed to be is their target. For players: When you're out there on the court, strong passing skills are your secret weapon! Killshot When a defender is struck in the neck or chest area by an attack. So let's say your teamate says "he's cracked, ape" that means you should go in and finish him or/and attempt for the whole team. Penetrate This is interchangeable with Press, a blocker reaches across the net and angles their hands towards the ball to make contact on the other side and force the ball to bounce down on the opposing side. In this way, you have 6 people on the court who can always hit when on the front row, 2 of which are setters. Troops also include several other young males, some females, and their offspring. So if the opponent tries to play the ball and hits it so badly its out of play, thats also counted as an ace. Commonly referred to as the 10-foot line.. Transition The switch from defense to offense. Block assist image by Eric Guo on, cropped. These types developed more than 20 million years ago; they're something humans and all Old World monkeys . And during hitting warmup, there's always other players chasing down balls, and returning them to the other side of the net. The defensive specialist is a player who specializes in passing and digging the volleyball as it is served and attacked by the other team. NECVL New England Collegiate Volleyball League. STRONG SIDE When a right-handed hitter is hitting from the left-front position or when a left-handed hitter is hitting from the right-front position. Ive also included many of the acronyms for different leagues and national volleyball associations that may be helpful and included some of their links. Pole The actual post that holds up the net. Timeout The referee, the coach, or the captain of the team may call a timeout. June 11, 2022 Posted by: when was arthur miller born . The exception to this would be in the United States, most leagues have a rule against kicking the ball, but by international rules, even kicking is legal. If the ball fails to clear the net, it will become dead when it either hits the serving teams court, or is contacted by a player on the serving team. also partners with an advertising company called Mediavine. 1. slang To become wildly or uncontrollably angry. A ball contacted with force by a player on the offensive team who intends to terminate the ball on the opponents floor or off the opponents blocker. The player stays down and typically the blockers will stay down as well. What does APE stand for in Environment? Interference This is a violation that occurs when a player reaches over the net and interferes with their opponent being able to make a play on the ball. To avoid this you can hit with a closed fist or your forearms. Down Ref The down ref is the second referee. Using an overhand swing, the attacker hits or spikes the ball to try to end the rally with a point for their team. They pass, set, and hit to each other and are able to do so because they are directly trying to make it playable for each other. These are sometimes called pins. Terms in this set (29) . Players may use a closed fist or the heel of their hand. A Assist An assist is a statistic that is tracked in volleyball. ATTACK ERROR An unsuccessful attack which does one of the following: 1) the ball lands out of bounds, 2) the ball goes into the net and terminates play or goes into the net on the third hit, 3)the ball is blocked by the opposition for a point or sideout, 4) the attacker is called for a center line violation, or 5) the attacker is called for illegal contact (lift, double hit) on the attack. This is interchangeable with the term dive. Apes are not only much larger than the monkey but are more reflective of human traits than monkeys. It's when a player jumps up and smacks the ball with all their might, making it plummet to the ground on the other side of the net like a 10 Dynamic Volleyball Passing Drills to Improve Your Game. volleyball definition: 1. a game in which two teams use their hands to hit a large ball backwards and forwards over a high. It may appear the player is volleying the ball, but the dig is much more of a push or deflection, less of a volley. FIVE SET A back set to the right front hitter. SETTER the player who has the 2nd of 3 contacts of the ball who sets the ball with an Overhand Pass for a teammate to hit. Learn more about this is in Rally Scoring in Volleyball explained. Setter 1 becomes a hitter upon rotating into the front row as setter 2 rotates into the back row and becomes the setter. These are designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by linking to their products and services. DOUBLE BLOCK Two players working in unison to deflect an attacked ball at the net back to the hitters side. In many ways, their expressions and the way they use them are more like ours. She also covers softball and baseball for NCAA Digital. LINE SHOT A ball spiked down an opponents sideline, closest to the hitter and outside the block. Lacroix Digital LLC is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies at no extra cost to you. Rainbow A shot made deep over the defender to the open court. Many of the expressions used have multiple meanings and some may be regional meanings or variations in a particular geographic area. I'm Jeff Lacroix. This is also called position #6. The spiker tries to contact the ball as high as possible, jumping into the air when possible. The adult indoor volleyball ball is 65 to 67-centimeters or 25.5 to 26.5-inches in circumference. This is a tracked statistic. This can be performed with two hands but is more often done with one. ATTACK The offensive action of hitting the ball. Apes are part of the superfamily of primates, the Hominoidea. This helps the ball to curve downward so that it doesnt just keep flying out of bounds. CLOSING THE BLOCK The responsibility of the assisting blocker(s) to join the primary blocker and create an impenetrable block in which a ball cannot fit between the two individual blockers. WEAK SIDE When a right-handed player is hitting from right-front position or when a left-handed player is hitting from the left-front position. is cree cicchino married These are the positions 1 through 6 that you rotate clockwise through each time your team wins possession of the serve. It is also called the attack line or the 10-foot line. Learn all about the difference between arm sleeves and elbow pads in this post. UNDERHAND SERVE a serve in which the ball is given a slight under-hand toss from about waist high and then struck with the opposite closed fist in an underhand pitching motion. ISOLATION PLAY Designed to isolate the attacker on a specific defender, normally to exploit a weakness or give a hitter a chance to hit against a single block. what does ape mean in volleyball. This is the same as serve receive. First, there can be a successful kill. 4 Set: A set directed to the outside hitter and lower than usual. Match The match is the entire meeting between two teams, so the total competition of all the sets. RA Reception Attempt This statistic is credited to a player when they attempt to receive their opponents serve. CVL Chinese Volleyball League also called the Chinese Volleyball Super League. PNTS Points A point is awarded at the end of each rally, to the team that won the rally. AVP Association of Volleyball Professionals. This can also be called cross-court. Toss This is the action of sending the ball into the air before serving. Linesman this is another name for the Line Judge. It's meant to field . Internal pressure of these balls are set at 4.3 psi or .30-kgf-per-centimeter-squared. 5-1 Rotation The strategy of playing with 1 setter playing all the way around the court and 5 hitters. Jeff has been playing volleyball for years and enjoys sharing this sport with his family, especially his daughter Heidie. Learn more about the 3-meter line in this article. This is to help signify if the ball is out of bounds as its crossing the net. You are allowed a momentary contact with the ball on any part of your body, not a catch and throw. This is instead of driving the ball with a hit, the tip uses the fingertips and is a controlled, softer contact. Cut Shot This is an attack where the hitter intentionally hits their spike at a very sharp angle to aim at the floor, within 3 or 4 feet from the net. Several instances award an ace to the server and serving side. Roll Shot A roll shot is an attack where the hitter makes a similar motion to a regular attack, but instead of a traditional hard swing, they slow their arm speed and contact the ball a little lower, and roll their hand up over the back of the ball.