In the episode Spartacus Gabby finds out she's pregnant. However, when he returns to the shelter, many of the people are still there and have not received any help or donations. He offers to drive her to the house, for which she is grateful. In A White-Knuckle Panic, Casey confesses to Brett that, while he and Dawson will always care about each other, he is no longer in love with her and hasn't been in a long time. He realizes it was a mistake the morning after, but she still has to install new IT system in the firehouse. Spencer confirmed he was leaving the program after Chicago Fire's 200th episode aired on October 20. Portrayed by Christie last appeared in the Season 9 episode "Double Red," after her and Matt's uncle Jake died, to tell her brother about Jake's passing and what Jake had left for him. In Chicago Fire Voight's ruthless methods cause friction with Lieutenant Matthew Casey, a firefighter at the nearby Firehouse 51. The woman who had previously been fostering Louie wasnt able to keep him, so the firefighting couple agreed to look after him. Against his wishes, she decides to take a break and leaves the house, moving in with Sylvie. Casey is found at Stilettos, having overpowered his kidnappers and beaten up Nesbitt for his actions. This badge case stands as a memorial to the fallen firefighters and paramedics who lost their lives in service for the citizens of Chicago." When he sees Brett and Kyle the chaplain at Molly's sharing a hug, he jumps to conclusions and assumes that they had gotten back together. This results in Casey moving in with Severide permanently. After going to a doctor and finding out that Dawson has a 10% chance of dying if she gets pregnant, he decides he doesn't want her getting pregnant. Casey finally gives in and talks to a gang leader who had promised to help him win if he took down cameras from the street corners to let them deal drugs. As the love interest of Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer) and the Captain of Firehouse 51, it came as a shock when Casey moved to Portland to look after his late best friend Andy Darden's young sons. IsCasey leaving Chicago Fire forever? You will receive a verification email shortly. She later questions him as to why she only saw him there at first, but Casey lies and tells her that they had all rushed down together. It's obvious Casey doesn't think she wants to come back at all. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, call 1-800-GAMBLER. The case is investigated and Welch and Severide hear Pridgen tell them that Casey failed to properly check the scene and that the reason he was redirected was because there was a 'life threatening' injury nearby. Either way, itll be intriguing to see Casey fall back into the role of father figure and contend, once again, with the legacy of his fallen comrade. It seems they both will have a lot going on in their own stories. (Category 5), In the season finale, Dawson comes over to his apartment to tell him some important news, but his place has been ransacked and the dead body of Katya, a girl he had been helping, is laying on the floor. She is upset and leaves, but tells him the next morning that she has decided she wants to take the boy in and he doesn't have to help her. However, as previously mentioned, there have not been any specifics shared regarding Kinney's last episode . (, (To Griffin Darden) "It's okay to cry here. Uniformed personnel are then seen attending what appears to be Casey's funeral, but is revealed to actually be a ceremony at which Casey receives a medal from Chief Boden for not only being brave at that fire, but for being brave everyday on the streets of Chicago. It was such a positive experience returning to the family, and Im so happy and grateful for a chance to work with all of them again!". (created by) (232 episodes, 2012-2023) Michael Brandt . Even though he seems friendly at first, he constantly mocks the team, specifically Otis. Casey gets back together with Hallie when she returns from a long trip and the two are happy until she is the victim of a fire at a clinic where she worked part time. He wears the same jacket for four seasons. A fire at Donna's high school isn't what it seems when she insists that the blaze wasn't an accident. Casey then goes over to Bretts apartment and asks if she has been avoiding him. When Casey suffers another head injury during a call, all of his concerns about not being fit for work emerge again (after his injury in Not Like This). Ive never known anyone as good as you and I never will, Gabby confesses before their final hug. Spoilers ahead for Episode 2 of Chicago Fire Season 10 on NBC, called "Head Count.". When an off-duty Dawson is caught in the collapse of a parking garage, 51 responds and Casey rescues her from the rubble. And this teen was one Captain Matt Casey ( Jesse Spencer ) definitely didn . These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Its been nearly seven seasons since Matthew Casey lost his fiance, Hallie Thomas, on Chicago Fire, but fans were reminded of the shocking death on the Oct. 30 episode during a conversation between the captain and a new firefighter at Firehouse 51. She's taken to the hospital, where Dr. Will Halstead tells her that she's miscarried. Casey and Truck 81 rush to their location and Casey jumps out of the moving Truck to run and save Sylvie. When Casey arrives at the hospital, the doctor tells Brett that Julie has died in labour. She tells Casey that she knew he was "still in love with Gabby all along" and so blames herself for her actions. At the end of the night they lean in to kiss, but Casey kisses her on the cheek instead. 2 What happened between Voight and Casey? 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. Alive As the love interest of Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer) and the Captain of Firehouse 51, it came as a shock when Casey moved to Portland to look after his late best friend Andy Darden's young sons.. Marital status (Chopper), When Dawson works late at Molly's that night and asks Peter to help her, Casey comes by to talk to her, but finds the two talking and takes it the wrong way when he sees them holding hands and leaves. Truck 81 responds to a call of a person in distress. Before going inside, she calls Casey and he insists on sleeping over to protect her until they hear otherwise. Gender It seemed as though he would have to retire, freeing up Spencer to leave the show if he chose to do the same. Their relationship is put on hold after Dawson decides to leave Chicago to go help with the relief effort in Puerto Rico. As for what's coming, a photo for next week's episode reveals one scene that Casey and Griffin will share: The photo doesn't really give anything away other than that Griffin and Casey will be hanging out when Casey's off-the-clock and wearing civvies, but I still say that they look related. Severide and Casey stay as roommates after Dawson moves out. He was right as she regrets it as well. He loses his first debate to his opponent before being informed about a second debate that no one told him about. Kathleen Quinlan. Sometime later, Casey and Dawson's feelings for each other grow and after he goes to Dawson's house one night, they get together. In That Kind of Heat, Casey is unable to answer Brett's question of him still loving Dawson, stating that he doesnt know. The two end the season with officially getting together. Things worsen since the man Truck was directed to help refused treatment and there's no paperwork indicating that they even went to help him. Casey undergoes an MRI scanning, which reveals that his brain is against all odds fine. She tries to roll back on this, but Casey isn't convinced. Their blissful honeymoon stage is cut short when Casey is forced to move to Oregon and their relationship changes to a long-distance one. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If anyone can handle this kind of bomb dropped in their lap, it's you." It is caused mainly by their changed work relationship, as Casey's now Dawson's direct superior. The episode served as an official farewell to original star Jesse Spencer, who has played the beloved Captain Matt Casey since the NBC hit's inception in 2012. In a full-circle moment that harkens back to the beginning seasons of Chicago Fire, Matthew Casey (Jesse Spencer) is faced with the possibility of taking in Griffin (Cameron Scott Roberts) and Ben Darden, the sons of his old friend and former Firehouse 51 member Andy Darden (Corey Sorenson). Career information Following the building collapse that killed Shay, Dawson returns to work after a month's leave. (Down Is Better). Jesse Spencer, Naomi Graham (fling] Gabriela Dawson (Ex-wife)Hallie Thomas (Ex-fiance). Voight even congratulated him on becoming a father. Peter tells him he doesn't want to get in the way the next morning and Dawson apologizes, but he ignores her. Your favorite teams, topics, and players all on your favorite mobile devices. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Casey and Dawson started out as good friends. And of course Casey is going to help him! What is Casey's mom in jail for? Advertisement. Firehouse 51 responds to the fire and he manages to get her out, but she later dies at the hospital. Showrunner Derek Haas has already confirmed that Casey and Brett are headed for a bumpy road romantically in season 10, so this could very well be the starting point. Despite this, Casey is annoyed when Jack visits him at the house and he goes to see Voight to tell him that Nesbitt is clearly working both the feds and traffickers. Heres how it works. Casey is surprised (to say the least) when he walks into their apartment to find her stuff packed. Casey is initially thrilled to see Griffin, but the mood turns sour when he asks about Heather and his little brother. The medical report from his operation in 2013 says: "Due to the nature of the injury, another injury could exacerbate trauma to a debilitating level." On Tuesday's episode, Peter Mills ( Charlie Barnett) finally got his spot back on the squad -- just as his mom . (written by) (20 episodes, 2012-2017) Michael Brandt On four episodes across the show's eighth . They manage to rescue him and he survives. She then tries to pretend she never said it so that things could go back to the way they were. Casey makes a bet with the man that if he survives, hell buy him a six pack of beer. The Australian actor, who plays Capt. They run to the edge and jump into the river several stories below, still in their heavy turnout gear. They get later get engaged when Casey tells her that Shay picked out the ring with him. What happened to Matt Casey's mother on Chicago Fire? Despite Brett swearing him to secrecy, Casey tells Dawson who in turn tells Hermann and the secret is known to everyone in the house. (The F is For) Casey is comforted by Dawson and Severide recovers. In earlier seasons, viewers had seen him get close to his former colleagues widow Heather and he also became a pseudo-father figure to the boys - but the familyeventually left Chicago. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. After he is injured on a call, Brett tends to a burn on his neck, teasing him about his bandage skills. Matthew Casey on the firefighter drama, starred in his final . NBC Insider is your all-access pass to some of your favorite NBC shows. In A White-Knuckle Panic, Casey confesses to Brett that he is in love with her and though it takes her a while, she eventually reciprocates, telling Matt that she is in love with him too. She is devastated, but goes to see her little sister and cries as she holds her. Dawson and Casey's happiness is short-lived. Will Casey and Brett stay together? Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. at 10 p.m. What we do know is Spencer told USA Today back in October 2021 about leaving Chicago Fire,"It was a difficult decision because I've loved the show from the startBut theres other things Id like to do in the future and theres some family I need to take care of.". During Season 9, Casey confides in Severide about his status with Brett, something that leaves Severide amused, but he gives advice on how to handle it. She seems a little crazy (for example, she googled him) but he sleeps with her anyway. Throughout the premiere, Casey is clearly torn up about having a long distance marriage. He realises that he had unknowingly pushed Brett back to the chaplain, and he is clearly upset by this. 3 Who does Casey end up with in Chicago Fire? Voight attempted to have Casey injured or killed, but was arrested by Detective Antonio Dawson (Jon Seda) in a sting. Jesse Spencer as Lieutenant Matthew Casey-Truck 81; Taylor Kinney as Lieutenant Kelly Severide-Squad 3; Monica Raymund as Paramedic in Charge Gabriela Dawson . The mattress factory fire spirals out of control and Otis is severely injured. He finds out and "encourages" Severide to take the promotion to Captain in OFI or be stripped of his rank, but Severide refuses and claims he's happy where he is. Based on his track record, the firefighter definitely has a propensity for fatherhood. She reveals shes happy and feels fulfilled but theres so much work more that needs to be done. At first, the job started out as a two-week assignment, then she extended, and extended again. Occupation At Cruz's wedding, she and Casey share some longing looks during the vows. In the process, Casey hit his head on . She's heartbroken by this and she and Casey go through a rough patch in their relationship. Of course, it's possible that Griffin needs the kind of help that won't take too much out of Casey, but this is Chicago Fire we're talking about. When she decides that she wants to start trying for another baby (in season 6), Dawson goes in for a fertility test after getting impatient and finds out that she has an aneurysm that will be irritated if she gets pregnant again, and that it may kill her. Gabby even pauses her firefighting career and takes a desk job at the Office of Fire Investigation. MORE:Chicago Fire viewers all have the same complaint after this week's episode, MORE:Chicago Fire fans fuming as show 'destroys' major storyline. Hair Color She was written off the show in season 4, episode 2, titled "A Taste of Panama City," when her character decided to leave Chicago to take care of her sick mother. That night, he goes to Mollys, where he invites Brett to join him, Gallo, Capp and Tony. She tells Casey she can't accept his proposal because it would be the day that Shay died and she can't mix the memory with such a sad one. That said, Taylor Kinney will be temporarily. (, (To Severide) "I grew up in a family full of secrets. He has also taken a position with the Portland Fire Department. After shift, Casey and the others sign up for Cruz's class to see it for themselves and are amused to see Cruz surprised at seeing them. Matt was the first customer of Molly's to try the whiskey cocktail Stella's Golden Hammer. This marked the tension between the two, as Hank tried bribing, threatening, and outright trying to kill Casey. Just as it seems that the two were going to sleep together, Brett pauses and explains the reason that she had been so scared to act on her feelings for Casey, asking him: "If Gabby came back to Chicago, right now, tonight, and asked you to leave with her, would you go?" Sadly, Voights efforts to straighten his son out prove futile. Now that Season 10 is wrappedand Jesse Spencer appeared in the finaleNBC Insider explores the unclear future of Casey's character. When a realtor asks Brett out and she seems unsure, Julie tells her that she's hung up on Casey. Relationships I guess its become a fallback for me, shutting people out." In Rattle Second City, he welcomes Cruz's friend to be the new paramedic. Gabby returned for one episode in season 8 to meet . Published Jan 13, 2022. He played the role of Captain Matthew Casey for 10 seasons but, sadly, after almost a decade working on the show . Alive With Jesse Spencer, Taylor Kinney, Monica Raymund, Lauren German. Writing Caseys Exit As he notes, hes in his 18th straight year of network television, having gone from House to Chicago Fire in 2012. On a call, Casey saves a man named Jeremy, who had a pipe go through his neck. However, social workers tell her that he was fostered and will be placed back in a foster home. [Warning: The below contains MAJOR spoilers for Season 7 Premiere of Chicago Fire.]. "Coming back to the show was a homecoming for me," the brunette beauty told Entertainment Weekly. They end up having a game night where Casey does an Australian accent. Casey deals with the fallout of his sister Christie's impending divorce once his niece details the stress. He cries in the arms of one of his firefighting friends. and Chicago Med. The experience for formative for all three of them, with Griffin citing it as the last time he was truly happy. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Overview. Everything works out fine until Dawson makes a mistake, causing Casey to call her out and threaten to kick her off Truck since she ignored his instructions.