From north to south, Vermont is 159 miles (256 km) long. This map shows drought conditions across Vermont using a five-category system, from Abnormally Dry (D0) conditions to Exceptional Drought (D4). For Hawaiian data, data are limited to a single weather station for each of the states four largest counties: Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, and Honolulu. Prolonged drought conditions were observed in 19301936, 19391943, 19601969, 19801981, 19881989, 1991, 1995, 19981999, 20062007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 20162017, 2018, and 20202021. Page Contact Information: Vermont Water Data Maintainer Daily Climate Maps NIDIS is a multi-agency partnership that coordinates drought monitoring, forecasting, planning, and information at national, state, and local levels across the country. Weather Maps. The tables below give monthly averages for rainfall during July at cities and other locations in Vermont. Questions? It is a way to both preserve and share the quality science of our researchers. Tropical Storm Irenes flooding became the new flood of record for the southern portions of the state, while the 1927 flood remains the flood of record across the north. We used the decennial census population counts for 2010 and 2020 and the intercensal estimates, which the US Census Bureau generates yearly, to produce continuous population distributions for each year increment between each decennial census collection. These labels denote extremes based on 20th-century weather data averages. Snow Reference Jay Lawrimore. Each place has a total for the amount of precipitation it usually receives this month. Precipitation totals Vermont Change map selection Hide product/period selection Please choose your desired product and period. National Weather Service/Burlington, Vermont, National Weather Service/Albany, New York, VT Forecast & Daily Summary from IWIN/National Weather Service, National Weather Service - Three-day city forecasts, Lake Champlain & Colchester Reef data/National Weather Service, National Weather Service KCXX radar Burlington, Vermont, NOAA Cooperative Institute for Regional Prediction - current precipitation summary, NOAA Cooperative Institute for Regional Prediction - current Vermont weather data, Weather data for the current & last month & year in Vermont/National Weather Service, Regional Climate Center ACIS maps - preliminary data used, National Weather Service - Vermont river stages, Air trajectory and ozone forecasts for the northeast U.S. [internal page not yet built], Environmental Protection Agency - New England region. The following state-specific drought impacts were compiled by theNational Drought Mitigation Center. difference from average precipitation Climate models predict tougher growing conditions due to greater variability in temperature and precipitation, including heavy precipitation and drought leading to crop damage and failure. Regional Climate Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, last modified May 4, Daily temperature and precipitation maps covering the past 24 hours from 7 A.M. to 7 A.M. EST/EDT. The use of a two standard deviation cut-off point, which places approximately 95% of observations into the average categorization means that months categorized as warmer, cooler, wetter, and drier represent rarer than once-in-20-year events. In: Galford, G.L., A. Hoogenboom, S. LeGrande, and M.F. Webcams, Forecasts The transformations to these climatic data were done to provide users with an intuitive understanding of whether a given months total precipitation or average temperature were similar to or different than the corresponding historical average. Gund Institute for Ecological Economics, University of Extreme rainfall events are projected to become more frequent and intense in the future. A forecast of Equal Chances does NOT necessarily mean forecast conditions are expected to be near-normal. Recording and transmission times may be more frequent during critical events. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, 12 pp. climatic data is stored so one would not find average temperature or precipitation records covering years, decades, or longer term climatic normals of 30 years. Maps are generally updated around the second week of the following season. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) is an index to characterize meteorological drought on a range of timescales, ranging from 1 to 72 months. ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. The influence of the North Atlantic Ocean on the precipitation regimes is best observed in southeastern Vermont, becoming weaker with increasing distance from the ocean. Since 2000, the longest duration of drought (D1D4) in Vermont lasted 71 weeks beginning on June 23, 2020, and ending on October 26, 2021. sequestration). NIDIS supports drought research through advancing the scientific understanding of the mechanisms that lead to drought as well as improving the coordination and delivery of drought information. NCEP Models, Research Vermont's Covid-19 community levels remained "low" this past week, the state Department of Health reported Wednesday, rounding out the month of February with . average or These averages are specific to each county and month. Ninety-four percent of all storm events result in a pH less than 5.6, the theoretical pH of unpolluted precipitation. differences. Easterling, K.E. Acknowledgement: The generous support of the CDMP, local researchers and all who have responded to the call for historical weather information, is very gratefully acknowledged. Accessibility Policy No map information for Vermont Statewide Streamflow Real-Time Table Real-time data typically are recorded at 15- to 60-minute intervals, stored onsite, and then transmitted to USGS offices every 1 to 4 hours, depending on the data relay technique used. To provide a comprehensive account of climate across the United States, we supplemented the dataset with individual station data for each county in Hawaii. While there is no trend in the number of hot days (Figure 2a), the annual number of warm nights has been near to above average for the past 21 years (20002020), with a historically high peak during the 20152020 period (Figure 3). Learn more. ihre jeweiliges Land als Startansicht fr unsere Karten und auch die wichtigsten Stdte in der Vorhersage-bersicht. One Month and Three-Month temperature and precipitation outlooks. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, The annual number of 2-inch extreme precipitation events has been above the long-term average over the past 26 years (19952020), with the highest number of events occurring during the periods of 1995 to 1999 and 2005 to 2009 (Figure 2e). Clouds & Precipitation. We reconstructed these averages to verify that we were using the proper methodology and then applied that methodology to the county-level monthly average dataset. September 2010 impactsOctober 2010 impactsNovember 2010 impactsDecember 2010 impactsJanuary 2011 impactsFebruary 2011 impactsMarch 2011 impactsApril 2011 impacts & NWS-created MODIS loop showing snowmelt/sediment plumes 8 April-1 May, by C. LahiffMay 2011 impactsJune 2011 impactsJuly 2011 impactsAugust 2011 impactsNWS/Albany, NY Real-time storm reports. Get timely updates on local drought conditions, outlooks, and impacts from NIDIS and its partners. drier than normal monthly precipitation for Spotter Reports FOIA Severe winter storms are common in Vermonts cold winter climate and may include snowstorms, blizzards, noreasters, and icing events. Albert Hunter diaries 1898-1907 - A Shelburne Community School projectFarm diary from Morrisonville, NY (near Plattsburgh)- 1869Clara Doty's diary from Tinmouth, VT - 1888 [WORD]UVM Libraries' Center for Digital InitiativesUVM Historic Preservation - Historic Burlington Project601 Main Street, University of Vermont - former Weather Bureau buildingAinsworth Hall, Norwich University - former Weather Bureau buildingVermont Women's HistoryVermont State ArchivesArcCAT - Catalogue of Vermont Archives & ManuscriptsPBS - Hurricane of 1938NOAA photo library - Vermont & other statesNOAA photo library - homepageNCDC - Other historical data setsNDMC - Free online historical data sources, Core Competencies: Skills You Will Master, UVM Libraries' Center for Digital Initiatives, UVM Historic Preservation - Historic Burlington Project, 601 Main Street, University of Vermont - former Weather Bureau building, ArcCAT - Catalogue of Vermont Archives & Manuscripts, Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop. COOP Observer Obs The program creates an online, password-protected, digital database of historical weather and climate data. Burlington, VT1200 Airport DriveSouth Burlington, VT (802) 862-2475Comments? Heavier rainstorms will have far-reaching impacts on our natural and human communities, impacting farm and forestry operations and causing damage to homes, roads, and bridges. Monthly: 1981-2010 normals History: 2007-2018 NOTE: For Burlington, VT climate, it is recommended that users use the "Burlington Area" location, which includes climate records prior to 1940, when the official observation site was downtown. Here are links to local daily weather services, online weather services and historical weather data. Its NOAA Monthly US Climate Divisional Database (NClimDiv)1 provides data for temperature, precipitation, drought indices, and heating and cooling degree days for US climate divisions, states, multi-state regions, and the nation from 1895 to the present. experiencing similar During the first week of January 1998, a prolonged storm brought 2 to 5 inches of rain to Vermont. 24 HOUR MINIMUM TEMPERATURE DATA IN DEGREES FAHRENHEIT, FOR VERMONT AND NORTHERN NEW YORK, ENDING 7 A.M. EST/EDT WEDNESDAY MARCH 1, 2023. Warning Criteria. US Census Bureau, Population Division Variable Names and Descriptions, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, Keep up with the latest data and most popular content. Precipitation has increased 21% since 1900. Department of Environmental Conservation National Weather Service National Integrated Drought Information System. Greenhouse gases act like a transparent blanket around the Earthallowing sunlight to reach and warm the air, ground, and oceans but preventing heat from leaving the atmosphere into space. View the latest drought-related news, upcoming events, and recordings and summaries of past webinars. The USDM is a joint effort of the National Drought Mitigation Center, USDA, and NOAA. Mar 1 2023, 5:57 PM. Both of these assumptions are valid near the radar however they become progressively more of a stretch as you head farther away from the radar tower and higher up into the atmosphere. Local KCXX Standard Radar (low bandwidth), Local KTYX Standard Radar (low bandwidth), Highest and Lowest Temperature Occurrences, Top 10 ALL-TIME Monthly Average Temperatures, Historical Monthly Snowfall - Burlington, VT, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. One National Life Drive Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, Silver Spring, MD, 87 A standard deviation measures the amount of variability among the numbers in a data set, the typical distance of a data point from the mean of the data and is calculated against the NClimDiv data as: Source Agency: Monthly (within first week of each month). Sorry, the location you searched for was not found. Hispanic/Latino Hispanic/Latino population by difference from average precipitation in November 2022 white Climate change has already increased the growing season by 3.7 days per decade. Although the threshold for what is considered extreme weather differs across research and government organizations, we used a standardized baseline to classify approximately 95% of 20th century events as average. Impacts from climate change could contribute to mental health challenges. Title: USGS Current Conditions for Vermont ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. The State Climatologist for Vermont is Dr. Aulis Lind, Department of This page was composed in May, 1996 MAP OF VERMONT Climate in Orange County, Vermont. We were unable to display data for this section. NOAA NCDC, n.d.: Climate of Vermont. Carlson, S. Ford, J. Nash, E. Palchak, S. Pears, K. Underwood, and D.V. Full News Click to hide state-specific text Data: nClimDiv. The Climate Database Modernization Program (CDMP) is managed by the National Climatic Data Center in partnership with the Regional and State Climate Centers. Temperature and precipitation outlooks for the 6-10 day and 8-14 day periods. differences. Global Summary of the Year, Version 1.0. See graphs for interpretation of box-and-whisker charts. Asheville, NC, 8 pp. Wehner, 2018: Our changing climate. Volume of precipitation is positively correlated to annual volume weighted pH. Color shading on the outlook maps follows standard convention for warmer/colder or wetter/drier, with near-normal in white. The decennial census and intercensal estimates are the recommended metric according to the US Census Bureau because of their mathematically accurate modelling of intercensal years, as they consider differences between the estimate programs and the census count, and their representation of data that is not available to the census. accessed March 17, 2021. The VT Department of Environmental Conservation has been monitoring the chemistry of low ionic strength lakes in Vermont since the winter of 1980. Some of the earliest records were kept at at U.S. military forts in the 1800s, such as Burlington and Lunenburg(h). Dupigny-Giroux, L.-A., 2002: Climate https:// About 90% of 20th-century data falls into the average category. Current U.S. Drought Monitor Conditions for Vermont, people in Vermont are affected by drought, wettest January was in 2023, over the past 129 years, wettest year to date was in 2023, over the past 129 years, Link to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's homepage, Browse by Regional Drought Early Warning System (DEWS), Advancing Drought Early Warning through Interdisciplinary Research, National Coordinated Soil Moisture Monitoring Network, NIDIS Drought and Wildland Fire Nexus (NDAWN), National Weather Service Drought Information Statements, Quarterly Climate Impacts and Outlook for the Northeast Region - September 2022, Quarterly Climate Impacts and Outlook for the Northeast Region - June 2022, 2022-2026 Northeast Drought Early Warning System (DEWS) Strategic Action Plan, Get Alerts When Local Drought Conditions Change, Crop growth is stunted; planting is delayed, Fire danger is elevated; spring fire season starts early, Irrigation use increases; hay and grain yields are lower than normal, Specialty crops are impacted in both yield and fruit size, Producers begin feeding cattle; hay prices are high, Warnings are issued on outdoor burns; air quality is poor, Crop loss is widespread; Christmas tree farms are stressed; dairy farmers are struggling financially, Well drillers and bulk water haulers see increased business, Water recreation and hunting are modified; wildlife disease outbreak is observed. Vermont continues to be susceptible to both flooding and droughts occurring in the same year. Temperature changes in the United States. Combined with warm temperatures, this creates favorable conditions for cyanobacteria blooms. NOAA NWS, 2012: Service Assessment: Across the Champlain Valley and parts of northern Vermont, temperatures were below freezing for much of the storm. . As climate change unfolds, it is important to understand the impacts globally and locally here in Vermont. in November 2022, population by difference from average temperature in November 2022. Extreme weather events in Vermont can take the form of prolonged heavy snowstorms, flash floods, river floods (following snowmelt and heavy rains), severe thunderstorms, droughts, tornadoes, and temperature extremes. Maps of annual mean high, low and average temperature (in degrees F) as well as precipitation and snowfall (in inches) for the BTV CWA, New England, and the Northeast. Corresponding increases in temperature will increase the proportion of precipitation that will fall as rain rather than snow.