should I be so emotionally drained by managing? These drills get elaborate heck, the one at the middle school in my town a few weeks ago had a police helicopter overhead so that the kids knew thatd be a standard thing in the event of a real shooter. Sure, but like, a real fire evebt would also take a lot longer than a fire drill takes, and I dont think anybody ever suggests that fire drills should be lengthened to be more realistic. According to the United States Census Bureau, around 13 million workers in the United States have more than one job. I am not quite old enough to properly recall the gun buyback of 1996. Im looking around to get away cause Im scared of gun being pulled. No sense in reminding them of the futility of it all on a monthly basis as well. OP Thank you for writing in. Teasing you and demanding you attend is NOT appropriate, no matter their age. Absolutely. They don't call us a generation of flakes for nothing. I had an NCO tell me that the soldier should not take a class during Annual training dates. for 2 weeks of training out of a semester? Agree. have to leave your house if they say yes. This individual lived through a civil war in their country of origin and understandably was not keen on the idea of triggering difficult memories in a professional setting. 3) Find a friend to talk to during drill. Hey [Name], thanks for the invite but Im going to use this evening to recharge. Jonathan Sandahl Former Private First Class at US Army National Guard (1996-2002) Author has 503 answers and 4.3M answer views 4 y Depending on the circumstances, yes. Literally every soldier here has multiple stories they can tell similar to this. You're going to an important family event, 9. That is egregious and worth taking seriously imo. September 10, 2020. Less than perfectly shiny styled hair is practically a sign of leprosy. Being sick with anxiety fits the definition of a valid use of a sick day. I would call in sick for this one even though I already asked not to attend. The great thing about the working late excuse is that all the blame fallson your unassumingmanager. Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment. If your employment requires that you work on the weekend, organizing a spontaneous weekend away might not be possible. (You say you dont have traditional HR, but in a large organization theres probably someone youd go to if you needed to request medical or religious accommodations, report harassment or discrimination, or turn in paperwork for FMLA. except that some law enforcement dont recommend doing this because in the event of an active shooter, its a high probability going to be an employee or former employee. I saw on other comments that some, like Snarkus Aurelius, had something presented by non-emergency responders. Im a teacher and have been in charge of children during these drills. consider that he might be telling the truth. Everytown urges schools not to hold them (or, to reconsider them):, My middle-schooler had one this week. The most serious consequence of missing a drill weekend is getting drummed out of the reserves. We shouldnt be expecting children to go thru this. As another university admin assistant (also for a dean) who has just spent the last couple of weeks dealing with a real recent active shooting event on a campus: what?!??!! These are done periodically at the large state university I work at. Wtaf. And then if they pushed back, Id advise my staff to call out that day and I wouldnt question it. You dont need her permission to Nope out of the next one. According to the National Guard, these circumstances include but are not limited to: Im 38 now and I still think about that day with anxiety and sadness. We had a workplace training at OldJob that was a full day. I did see those and book.arked them all to read and to support my reasons for making the training optional. If you have kids use them as an excuse. My kiddos are teenagers now, and several times a year we get a school communication (simultaneous call, text, email) that there has been a threat to their school. I work in a school and I think our staff training maxed out at like an hour, and half of that was about identifying and preventing threats. It doesnt matter what people think. That sounds horrible and not at all like a good use of time. Thankfully events like this are never mandatory at my job, so its unlikely to come up. I work in a large hospital. Youve successfully canceled every plan you had for this weekend. If you decide to go with one of the previous options, I wish you luck, strength and eloquence. It involved bringing in all the relevant gov/emergency departments that would get called if the situation was real (so chemical spill scenario was complete with fire trucks) and we didnt have the agenda ahead of time because it was being externally coordinated. update: is my future manager a bigoted jerk? I worked in a call center. Unless responding to active shooter scenarios is a commonly expected part of your job duties, theres no way this training is a reasonable requirement. I don't know how it was in the reserves, but in the Nasty Guard you had to make up the time and have a damn good exscuse. Lastly, if you found this content helpful or want to share your own examples, let us know in the comments. I was there for maybe 20 minutes in total before my shift supervisor missed me and came along to investigate. I escaped HS 2 years before columbine was 8.5 mo preggo during SandyHook. When you are in charge of leading a class of kindergarteners into a hiding spot for their drill its a little hard to be removed from the situation. He sounds gross. I called my doctor and explained the situation, and she wrote a letter stating that attending the training would be detrimental to my health, with the recommendation that I be excused. A few years back someone actually did bring a gun into our building, attempting to commit suicide by cop. I empathize. Especially for people with a history of trauma. They used to kind of joke about the fire alarm being pulled and then a school shooting happened where a fire alarm was pulled and kids were shot leaving their classrooms/building. Fast forward to this current moment in your life, (whereveryou may be) and youve found that youve hit a certain point where things have taken a massive swing. (Enough Benadryl cures the symptoms, so I could have been better by the evening), I chickened out. Endless sympathy to you, OP. Hey Im really sorry I cant make his evening. I feel for all of you whove been affected by this, any of this. Now, chill and relax. Fast forward to this current moment in your life, (. My all-women department once went to a shooting range for a super fun team building event at one of their self-defense courses. I dont want to teach my kids to be afraid, but also dont want to misjudge a safety situation. There are some heinous examples of training going terribly because it is just some random person throwing a stupid plan together with no idea what theyre doing. Christians, similarly, typically attend church on Sundays. They also handwaved off the fact that we work in a giant glass fishbowl and cant remotely lock the doors like you can with many other buildings on campus. My husbands previous job did an active shooter training at their factory, with different employees pretending to be the shooter, complete with something like a pellet gun or paint gun (I dont remember exactly what was used). You can go the formal accommodations route. If you know WHO is conducting the training maybe they could give info about what is happening that day. The statement Repeated [high-quality] training hones reflex actions is true. Yup. The trainings have been optional. Nowyou dont have a spare tire,and you are afraid that the mechanic workshop maybe closing. date went to be described later to the party host. Im aware of the exits on campus, and my personal area is chock full of hiding spaces. We never needed to do it more often than that, and I am so thankful we never needed to do any other type of drill. Do this training or your insurance rate will go up.. As most millennials in the US here can attest to mass shootings are incredibly tough subject and quite traumatizing. I am going out on dinner with him. This knife-edge behavior, scared enough to schedule drills, not scared enough to take it seriously it has to stop. A seven hour training would be insane for any work place that isnt on a military installation or the Capitol/Pentagon/etc and EVEN THEN it would be bananapants crazy. What's a Good Excuse To Tell Your Boss Not to Work on the Weekends? SiteGround boasts a whole list of fantastic features at amazingly affordable prices. Please believe him. Therefore, an entire weekend can add up to four unexcused absences. A seven hour training is rediculous, even actual drills for emergency services dont last that long. Not because she is a cold person (quite the opposite) but because its as common in the States as hearing about a traffic accident in Australia. Large auditorium. To enhance the dramatic effect, you can fill up your voice with tears and can have a catharsis you were longing for. If you have questions please Contact Us. They were told that had this been a real event, they would be dead. LWs boss is nuts. It can absolutely be traumatizing and upsetting as a participant. Follow Alisons advice to talk to someone above her. 4k Images Added per Hour. Just remember, an employer or client doesn't have to accept these excuses. That would be my guess too, but we cant know. Take this as the valuable information about him that it is and think about how long youre willing to work for someone who is totally okay with causing you this kind of harm. But youve already established your workplace isnt likely to be reasonable. A year or so before COVID, our state decided to mandate active-shooter drills for schools. should I tell my coworker about our colleagues criminal record, I deeply regret joining my companys leadership program, and more, my company is cutting my overworked teams pay as punishment for mistakes. I said That was pretty intense. Lets Deal With Quiet Firing In The Workplace, 8 Signs of Quiet Firing You Should Know Now, 10 Good Excuses for Not Working on Weekends, 1. Have a good gaming night! That means if you click and buy a product, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Several of their colleagues/friends were injured, and the shooter (another colleague) died. As someone who has been in an active shooter situation all the training you do doesnt mean anything when the threat is real and all that training is going to do is disrupt the workday and traumatize employees. Sometimes the truth comes out when people pretend to joke. It is not worth the cost to your mental health to try to justify your position any more to your insensitive boss or even, frankly, other people. Professor at a college that had a mass shooting. SEVEN hours??? You Had Other Car Issues 11. Well, the car seemed like it was fixed so i drive to work and back the last couple days with no issues. My heart goes out to you, OP. ****WARNING FOR SENTENCES BELOW*****. Im so grateful to live in a country where this isnt a thing. And if we get it wrong, we will talk out ways to stay quiet and not fidget after. Weve at least got an HR. and Youre Currently Waiting to Be Rescued by Your, make a call and tell them how your place is flooded with water and you need to fix it. 1. My university installed Bleeding Control Kits on *every* floor of *every* building a couple years ago. None of it was tailored to our facility. There's easily 100+ people that will be at the conference. I agree that I dont think active shooter trainings are all that helpful, and I may be zeroing in too much on the wrong thing here, but telling you all to wear comfortable clothing is ridiculous. I was rather pleased when, about six months after I quit, my favorite former coworker mentioned that theyd installed motion sensors to replace the timer switches. No. theres nothing we can really do about it, We can, but we wont, because US Americans generally refuse to take responsibility. It was a labyrinth of shelves, and being the basement, there were no windows. Wanted to add that I agree the real problem is in the proliferation of guns and the lawlessness favored bycertain politicians. Its very ableist to assume that all people can crouch/somehow hide for hours at a time without feeling pain. If you want to make memories with your family on trips away from home, you will need to take advantage of the weekends. I didnt know any of this when I went to school that day and it was one of the worst days I can recall (my friends accident hadnt involved alcohol, but the response was almost identical). If you are in the National Guard, you may be wondering if you can skip a drill weekend. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, regular physical activity improves your brain health, helps you to maintain a healthy weight, and reduces your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and even some cancers. For the other literally right over my head on the roof. I grew up in the era of mass shootings. Sigh. Children. One got a note sent home from school because they were fidgeting and whispering too loudly during a drill the kid was 6 at the time. My work has a (pretty upsetting) active shooter training video they play at new employee orientation. Youre talking about the kind of training that professionals receive. Did no one think any of this through? How are you doing? She looked at me and said I went to Columbine High School. I can still feel the bottom dropping out of my stomach. Im so sorry your workplace is putting you through this. Ugh. My kids know no other world and Im sad and sick (and voting and advocating) for them. I dont want to do it either. What could possibly take seven hours to cover for one topic?? Oh and he made the video on his phone! Unfortunately, not all units are able to participate in Drill Weekends. Hey [Name], Im going to stay home tonight as things just ended with [Insert Your Partners Name]. All rights reserved. Boo yeah! Hide in your house or go to goat yoga or whatever helps you. And thats not even including all the training around dealing with bomb threat callers, with angry patients/family members, with weapons, with baby/child abduction, etc. Law enforcement continues to train others and practice drills. A teacher friend told me shes never been so proud and so sad as when one of her students went to the supply closet and distributed scissors and protractors to his classmates during a suspected active shooter event. Then you have a Soldier with real issues like a family member dealing with cancer and there is no allowance period. Should issue directions? This is considered a valid excuse and your commander should work with you to find an alternate solution . I didnt end up having to attend the training, but I was never able to respect my grandboss in the same way after that. Have a great night. I think? Im not against well-designed, appropriate active shooter drills but I cant believe this one is well-designed or appropriate if it takes so long. Want more Junkee in your life? Yup. [M]onkey. Any time this has come up at a job, Ive just had stomach flu the day of. If they dont know you very well, theyll definitely think youre an irresponsible flake. Since its not one ofthefrequently used excuses, people are most likely to fall for it. No one will ask an explanation for this one as we all know how severe it hits. My friend DID die. The training process can take awhile, so dont expect to be an expert overnight. They were upfront about wanting to meet everyones needs, and they made it very easy to select different options, such as being provided material to review on their own time or in private, write-ups vs videos, or just the option to opt out completely. It sounds like they just decided to do an active shooter drill. 3. Wed also be delighted if you shared this article and joined us on social media too! And as others have pointed out, experts question whether they drills really help anyone anyway. Her lashes arent jet black! You have a work conflict . No one is filling the hallways with smoke and heating door knobs during a fire drill. Just type I got a call from my father in the morning today, and he is here in town for some work business. I absolutely think you should absent yourself from these in future (regardless of how open to it the boss, is, call out sick if you need to). To assist you in this challenging situation, weve written 25 fantastic excuses to get you out of an unavoidable social gathering that you dont want to attend. Can you handle yourself under the pressure? I already deal with the anxiety on a daily basis; I dont need someone pointing it out in a tasteless joke. If the host does not know about your dating life, you can easily go with this one. Her students are fifth graders, so ages 10-11. Theres no need for public participation. Their elementary school had a lockdown one morning when parents were there for an event, due to a situation in the community half a mile away. It was redic overall and yes it is a way of coping. My school ran its fire drill annually, in the autumn term when the weather was still nice enough that we could reasonably stay outside for a bit without freezing. Whether or not your weekend work is a regularly scheduled shift or some overtime thanks to work that was not completed during the week, asking for time off to attend an important family event is perfectly justifiable. Some say that the siren is extremely loud and frightening when it goes off suddenly, sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes when there is no earthquake, and that the sound/experience itself is traumatizing. We like them because we get expert-led courses that we can access anytime, anywhere. Once I had to go down there to switch to a new bag of soda concentrate, which took a lot longer than usual. Seven hours at work, doing not-work how much of a backlog will there be the next day? If you cant make it for any reason, you need to submit a leave form ahead of time so your absence can be excused. You Had a Flat Tire 10. 5) Dont take drill too seriously. Even ignoring personal history, seven hours is enough to upset anyone! 3. Law enforcement response was more organized and confronts shooter relatively quickly. My parent had been at FEMA for a minute & half before being sent to Katrina to provide IT support. Say you have cramps and start launching into period talk. Creative Market is the worlds marketplace for design. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule. No job is worth your life. I cant imagine how traumatizing a full day of that stuff, in person, would be. Boost your business with the right images. Thats a totally reasonable length for something so complicated and so intertwined with our everyday work, especially where we may be needed to provide specialized assistance to professional EMS/Fire personnel who have less experience with the particular hazards involved. No pressure if you cant! I was voluntold to participate in my companys active shooter drills and I said straight out NO. A headache isntsevere enough to render you useless for a long period of time but its bad enough that itll get you out of a social engagement. Anyone else attending Berklee College of Music? Either way the teachers are required by law to reschedule for the service member. BS on that one! I have never ever called in sick for any reason other than actually being too sick to leave my bed. I asked for active shooter training at my current workplace because our current safety training is very spotty think staff not knowing the nearest exits or how to lock doors. Also also- there is no way in heck a seven hour (!??) Ive seen plenty of law enforcement response to school additions. Can I skip this seven-hour training? I jumped straight to calling out sick, well before I got that part of Alisons answer. Asking the host for a favor right before they are, holding a party is going to result in your favor. Thank you for sharing this; Im sorry that this has to be a continued topic and continued trauma. For more information, please see our Earnings Disclosure. But that was just about 30 minutes, not anything we had to actually do. I second Alisons phrasing of opting out as a prediction of the future, not as a request: I will not be participating, so how should we proceed? Gosh, I relate to this so much. Oh god. Ah, I bet you live in the same city as me. Exactly. I do agree that theres a difference between physically practicing something and reading about it (and frankly, at some of my performing arts jobs, Id have really loved to have even talked through some sort of emergency response plan for an increasingly not-unlikely situation). If anything would persuade me to learn how to do make-up well, its this lmao. *Deep breath* Many triggering statements made below, please be advised. Do they work in a higher-risk area or industry? Thats what you would be doing. These are typically held one weekend per month, and they can last anywhere from 8 to 12 hours. I still dont see any reason to simulate a real event that thoroughly. They are known to induce anxiety in participants, and theres no evidence that they really help much if you find yourself in an actual active shooter situation. CLICK HERE to get your copy of Sorry I'm Late, I Didn't Want to Come from Book Depository. The first time the drill happened, even knowing in advance, I had a breakdown and had to ask my Dean to leave for the day in tears (she knows my history with this topic). But I don't anymore. Ever. An excuse thatshuts down anypossible follow up questions. If my staff had this conversation to me, Id take it immediately back to leadership b/c my leadership is older than me. Not a drill, but my church employer, with school and preschool attached, had us all watch a video of a shooting simulation at a school. You are attending a religious event 4. A group of robbers had started robbing this particular chain, specifically. Take the day off if you can call in sick if you need to. You do not need to hear gun shots or see people play dead or whatever simulated shenanigans people want to insist on. Im gobsmacked. Lavender Baj, Culture Michelle Rennex, Culture I am well into Gen X and we did an active shooter training and I hated every moment of it. Yes, absolutely, get a doctors note so you have backup. We finally did get robbed. I suppose on some level I feel like, there is nothing I can do to prevent it if its going to happen, and I dont have the reflexes that drilling would train into me to be assessing or thinking about what I might do if it did. That said, we have surprisingly few firearm-related incidents here, given that Finland has the most guns at home per capita after the US and Yemen. Pretty much this. Either, they will be worried, or angry, or blatantly say 'no' to your suggestions of going away. I'll keep it short. If not, I would call in sick the day before and after to solidfy the excuse. Your boss is not a nice person. Multiple employees thought it was real, panic ensued, injuries occurred, and theyre all traumatized. Ive been fine since then knowing in advance it would happen and simply closing my door. Would a forklift operator be able to opt out of forklift classes on the same grounds? Its a 5-7 minute trip (if youre sprinting) to the nearest building with one of those. I have 2 young children, not quite school aged. Ill clear my head first, get in a better place and come to the next one. 2. Theyll know all the doors to block, all the hiding spots, all the weapons to hide. by We all know how hard it gets to pull off financially at the last dates of the month. See you in hell. Im just old enough to have gotten out of high school with very minimal active shooter type worries. Its naturaland can happen to anyone. Take care of yourself first and foremost. I mean your boss sounds delightful so maybe he is concerned he may be a target, but the chances of you ever needing to use that mass-shooting situation at work is low. Its much, much better. You dont know how you will react until you are in a situation, but a one-time seven hour LARPing of a horrible situation will not help you and certainly can traumatize you. Because lets be honest, who does not want to have a hot mug of coffee on the terrace while watching the rain pouring onto the glass of your windows, making a thud sound and yet so calming? There is not a single f***king thing funny about suggesting you would direct the shooter to kill someone else. The day she got back to the office, there was news of multiple mass shootings in the States and she was so unaffected. (I mean, safety is great, but this person is hilariously the most accident-prone person we all know, and always has a story about falling down the stairs or getting a ticket for speeding on the way to work. Our wallet holdsall ofour important things, including cash, id, and credit cards. It was traumatizing enough doing that and it only lasted about 5 10 min. Most employee admit that they gossip at work and it is part of our human nature to gossip. Who should I talk to for that?, If he mocks you or implies youre a delicate snowflake, consider saying: You and I are coming to this with a very different frame of reference. Now its Friday afternoon. /lolsob/. Im sure your guests wouldnt want me coming and spreading the germs anyway! Im a big proponent of safety drills. I know many of them are probably fine, but many are also horror themed. Hi [Name], Im so sorry but weve been out all day and weve found out that the train is suspended from [Your Location], the journey would be a nightmare/ we would probably miss the whole event by the time we arrived. But in terms of living vs. surviving, it doesnt affect me at all in the way LW described. bradley james child facebook; girl jumps off bridge 2021 twitter; leonard flowers disability instagram; pickled green tomatoes italian style youtube; gary richardson rate my professor ucla extension mail 1sg I disagree with college as a priority, it is an enhancement, your co/xo have been in the world long enough and know how to balance drill and school, that comes with maturity, what we are dealing with are the new generation, no concept of time management, putting things off until the last minute, I managed to get my diploma, attend drills and raise a family, it takes sacrifice, but that's me. Worst case, they might show up to work armed, and their colleagues would assume its all part of the training.. As a side comment, if you have not yet sought out a mental health professional who is experienced in dealing with PTSD, you may wish to explore that at some point. The lights were on a timer. Can confirm, this works well. A study by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found that in 2015, approximately 25% of adults regularly played sports. I literally had a panic attack and left. That is the point. Dear god I have done this too. Id like to nominate this man for worst boss of the year for this sentence ALONE. Theyre valuable for kids because kids suck at hiding, staying still and being quiet. Same with mine; customized by law enforcement but the only customization was Oh yeah all your doors are glass so hiding isnt an option! Working from home have a lot of benefits that essentially make your work life happier and more enjoyable. If someone has a heart attack in my vicinity, I can call emergency services or run a few hundred yards to get the defibrillator, but someone else will have to start CPR.
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