Support the Schools in our Program by Subscribing; Residency. We're also looking for people that have some PA shadowing experience. We tried to update that and highlight that a little bit more on the website. Our students become skilled and caring professionals motivated to improve health outcomes and increase access to care. Yes. Skip to content The data pages and tables may not display well on mobile. Phone. Join us. CALIFORNIA: Samuel Merritt University PA program All Activity Home Pre-PA Physician Assistant Schools CALIFORNIA: Samuel Merritt University PA program 2020-2021 Application Cycle 2020-2021 Application Cycle By Finntastic , May 2, 2020in CALIFORNIA: Samuel Merritt University PA program Share As one of the longest-standing programs in California, the Samuel Merritt PA Program was established in 1999. A candidate must be able to provide or direct general care and emergency treatment for patients, and respond to emergency situations in a timely manner; examples of emergency treatments reasonably required of a physician assistant include, but are not limited to, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, administration of intravenous medications, application of pressure to arrest bleeding, opening obstructed airways, and performance of obstetrical maneuvers. Were happy youre interested in learning more about applying to Samuel Merritt University. Youll find our students learning, researching, and serving local communities near our three campuses and at clinical sites around the regionas well as enjoying life in Northern California. At its June 2022 meeting, the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant, Inc. (ARC-PA) extended Accreditation-Probation status for the University of La Verne Physician Assistant Program sponsored by the University of La Verne until its next review in June 2024. From the process described above, we will generate an interview pool of approximately 144 candidates for in-person interviews in a typical year. More info. With Touro's Joint MSPAS/MPH Program, in less than 3 years, you will be well-prepared for the future with two master's degrees: a Master of Science in Physician Assistant Studies and a Master of Public Health. Under their guidance, you can equip yourself to flourish professionally and do more for patients. The programs accreditation history can be viewed on the ARC-PA website at As a result, we have made the decision to conduct our admissions interviews online. Getting rotations in the Bay Area is very competitive. 3100 Telegraph Avenue Office of Admission, Suite 1000 Oakland CA 94609 United States. The percentage of students during advising able to articulate a plan for effective self-care and wellness: Note: The issue of provider wellness is an emerging topic in PA education as well as medical fields generally. One of the things that we also look at is a commitment to service, so not just having five hours here and five hours there, but really showing a commitment to a particular service organization. Admission Requirements. To learn more about Samuel Merritt's PA program requirements, mission,available information sessions, and the anticipated satellite campus, check out the Samuel Merritt PA program website. Graduates possess the educational foundation for continued intellectual growth, in a shrinking world of diverse cultures. Reviewed and updated: annually during the spring semester by the department chair, Greater percentage of black/Hispanic PA students at SMU than national program data (PAEA), Proportion of black/Hispanic students equal to or greater than university total (SMU), Measures of success include program accreditation status, didactic phase GPA, and PANCE pass rates, Reviewed and updated annually in spring and as needed per changes by Department Chair, Benchmark: maintain the status of accreditation-continuing, Measures of success: ARC accreditation actions, Reviewed and updated annually in spring by Curriculum Committee, Reviewed and updatedeveryApriland Augustby the department chair, Benchmark: 95% or greater annual pass rate, Participation in interprofessional learning at SMU, Reviewed and updated annually in summer by Academic Coordinator, Benchmark: 100% participation in IPE Patient Safety and Communication Course, spring semester, Reviewed and updated annually in spring by the Clinical Coordinator. Preference is given to those from economically or environmentally disadvantaged backgroundsevidence includes families that were economically disadvantaged or received public assistance, from designated rural/ health professional shortage areas (HPSA), candidates who represent the first generation in their family in higher education or for whom English is not their primary language, candidates who attended high schools with high proportions of students receiving free or reduced-price lunches or from which a low proportion of graduates went to college. There are sub-groups of students that struggle with certain things, but I think overall the biggest struggle is integrating the volume of information. The approximate date for the next validation review of the program by the ARC-PA will be June 2029. One letter should be from a medical provider (PA, NP, MD, or DO) who has directly observed you in your patient care role. Overall, the arrangement of instructional hours as designed by Samuel Merritt compares favorably with the nationally reported figures for master's degree programs.Clinical Year. 2018 14%, 10.7% The Physician Assistant program at Samuel Merritt University is proud to offer a variety of ways to assist in funding your education including scholarships, work-study, and student loans. The first 15months (four semesters) of the curriculum are devoted to the preclinical studies of the basic medical and clinical science necessary for practice as a physician assistant. Some programs are paying for rotation sites, which we have not been willing to do, and that's made it harder. Most of our applicants have experience in roles as medical assistants and EMTs. Among a record number of applicants, each recipient stood out for their unique and inspiring traits, and dedication to the advancement and promotion of the PA profession. Students find that the faculty members are really, really supportive. We develop your financial aid package using guidelines set by the Department of Education and the estimated costs of each program. Those are the things that we're looking for on paper. Were going to be adding updates to focus more on the supportive and collaborative environment that we really try to foster here at Samuel Merritt. A candidate must acquire information as presented through demonstrations and experiences in foundational sciences. Thats a really big part of who we are and what we do, and I think that isnt at all highlighted on our website. ), and interpret electrocardiograms and imaging studies. We have a human cadaver lab, which a lot of programs don't have anymore, where the PA students actually do their own dissections, which is pretty rare in PA schools now, so I think that's one thing that makes us special. Full-time - 10 Part-time - 18 Male (14) Female (14) Location & Contact Address 3100 Telegraph Avenue Oakland, CA 94609-3108 United States Contact Timothy Cranford Dean of Admission Email: Phone: 510-869-1550 Fax: 510-869-6525 Get More Info Larger Map Other Schools of Interest This PA program is for students who are looking to become licensed PAs and want to further expand their skills. Sequential Course Curriculum Course Descriptions. Students complete Basic Life Support (BLS) certification and N95 mask fitting early in the clinical year. Samuel Merritt University: 12 months San Francisco State University: 15 months Entry Level Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) For: students with a Bachelor's degree in any field who have completed the necessary prerequisites, students interested in advanced practice and who know which nursing specialty they want to practice in. Located in Oakland, California, the program is focused on community service and provides PA students with the opportunity to work with underserved patients through community health and elective international clinical rotations. But that doesn't usually fill the class, so then after the 3rd interview day, we'll look at how many of those early admission offers were accepted and then how many spots we have left to fill the class and then make our wait list beyond that. This year we did two interview sessions in January and one in February. If you have not received a formal notification from the Office of Admission by March 16, please contact the PA Department chair: How to Create a Simple Personal Essay Outline, Samuel Merritt University: PA Program Profile, How to Size Up Clinical Rotation Opportunities When Choosing a PA Program, How to Plan Your Update Strategy Before Applying to PA School, How to Consider What a PA Program Might Offer as a Prospective Student, The 4-Step Reset for an Uncomfortably Quiet PA School Application Cycle, How to Tweak Your Technique as a Second-Time PA School Interviewee, How to Vet Program Accreditation Status as a PA School Applicant, How to (& When to) Reach Out to PA Schools to Get the Information You Need, The New Program Diversity Standard: What You Should Know, How to Frame Unstructured Days to Be More Productive, How to Assess the Impact of Geography on the PA School Experience, What to Know About Interprofessional Opportunities Offered by PA Programs, How to Increase Potential Employer Interest When Exploring a New Specialty as a PA, How to Avoid Application Misconceptions as a PA School Candidate, How to Conquer the Length Limit Struggle with Your PA School Essay. The intent of this step is to help create the most diverse pool of qualified applicants possible for detailed faculty review and scoring and to assist intracking student performance in the program. SMU's Physician Assistant Department prepares graduates for the practice of medicine in diverse communities and with interprofessional teams. GPA in the last 60 units of the academic record may be used in stage two for candidates whose overall record may not provide a complete and current picture of academic performance and potential. The final three semesters (one year) involve full-time clinical experiences in primary care, geriatric and emergency medicine, and surgery. Benchmark: 90% scores of 4 or 5 on preceptor evaluations rating student use of data in support of medical decision making. All courses are required, no transfer credit is accepted and no advanced placement is offered. Shareefa gained clinical experience in Dermatology at a private practice and .
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