The probability that you came about is the same as that turtle sticking its head out of the water -- into the middle of that life preserver. Dr. Ali Binazir, who describes himself as a happiness engineer, thinks its way off the mark. Let's say a life preserver's hole is about 80cm in diameter, which would make the area inside about 0.5 square meter. If we really took it in we would fall on our knees with rapture and tears of gratitude. Thus, the probability of your existing at all is about 1 in 102,685,000. We're about to deal with eggs and sperm, which come in large numbers. What are the odds of that? Heres how the National Center for Science Education puts it: Any event with a probability greater than 0, no matter how low, will be likely to happen if given enough opportunity, and sure to happen if opportunity is unlimited., Michele Caballero Siamitras Kassube on Pixabay. Namely, that every one of your ancestors lived to reproductive age -- going all the way back not just to the first Homo sapiens, first Homo erectus and Homo habilis, but all the way back to the first single-celled organism. Dr. Ali Binazir Specializes In Dating/Being Single Support, Empowering Women, NLP, Phobias/OCD And Wellness And Is Located In San Francisco, CA. Suitcases checked and standing side by side. However, as the astute who do exist will have observed, extremely improbable events do actually occur. Tip #3 of 20: You are already a goddess, so feel free to act like one. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. This video makes a moving point, but it attributes our existence to luck. The number of atoms making up the earth is about 1050. They each roll the dice and they all come up with. One in 400 trillion vs one in 700 trillion? So, thats 28,800 events a day, adding up to a million in 35 days. Namely, that every one of your ancestors lived to reproductive age, going back about 150,000 generations to the origin of man. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. And the chances of that lasting long enough to result in offspring is one in 2. If even once the wrong sperm met the wrong egg, you would not be sitting here noodling online reading fascinating articles like this one. Now go forth and feel and act like the miracle that you are., Buddhists have talked of the preciousness of this incarnation. Each sperm and each egg is genetically unique because of the process of meiosis. One in 400 trillion vs one in 700 trillion? As you aptly point out, many persons losts lots of money at the roulette because they quests mathematically accurate. I was alerted to a fascinating article by Ali Binazir, who sets forth mathematically the probably that each of us exists. Why? How fast does a laden fly fly? On my birthday, I had a strangely pertinent thought: what's the probability of being born? They each roll the diceand they all come up the exact same numbersay, 550,343,279,001. This is a vastly greater improbability than one in 1050. Step 4. Still, the racial wealth gap continues: Only 11 of them are black. The learned Frenchman put a number on it10 to the power of 50, written as 1050in order to impress upon the common herd that its members are not mathematicians. Heres Dr. Ali Binazir on the probability of a human being born: Its the probability of 2.5 million people getting together about the population of San Diego each to play a game of dice with trillion-sided dice. Check out my course, The RecovHer Freedom Breakthrough at the top of the page. But when we take it back throughout all the unbroken generations of life, then to the formation of the earth, then the development of the galaxy, then the universe being created from the Big Bang, your odds have now been reduced to 1 in 10 followed by 2,685,000 zeroes. You are the result of the fusion of one particular egg with one particular sperm. When you do the math, which I didnt but Dr. Binazir did: That means in every step of your lineage, the probability of the right sperm meeting the right egg such that the exact right ancestor would be created that would end up creating you is one in 400 quadrillion.. Now take whats left and live it properly. Marcus Aurelius. The Cycle of Hatred and Revenge Ends With Me A Homily for the 7th Sunday of the Year. 7 distinct works Similar authors. This alone should boost any lingering low self-esteem quite a bit. In a recent talk at TEDx San Francisco, Mel Robbins, a riotously funny self-help author, mentioned that scientists estimate the probability of your being born at about one in 400 trillion. That number is not just larger than all of the particles in the universe its larger than all the particles in the universe if each particle were itself a universe. Let's confine the pool of possible people they could meet to 1/10th of the world's population 20 years go (1/10th of 4 billion = 400 million) so it considers not just the population of the US but that of the places they could have visited. Then the probability of Mr. Gamblers always play the odds; their lives revolve around probabilities, and that has led many into dark places. One in 2,000. By that definition, I've just proven that you are a miracle. The analogy given by Dr. Ali Binazir on the probability of YOU being born is here: Its the probability of 2.5 million people getting together about the population of San Diego each to play a game of dice with trillion-sided dice. Or is it possible that they are underestimates of the true number? The conclusion: The odds that you exist at all are basically zero., He illustrates it this way: It is the probability of 2 million people getting together each to play a game of dice with trillion-sided dice. Dr. Id gladly take those odds over trying to become a millionaire in any other country. First, let us figure out the probability of one turtle sticking its head out of the one life preserver we toss out somewhere in the ocean. They say that it is impossible for human life to exist without divine intervention. Otherwise they'd be different people, and so would their children, who would then have had children who were similar to you but not quite you. Remember the sperm-meeting-egg argument for the creation of you, since each gamete is unique? To get the final answer, technically we need to multiply that by the 1045,000 , 2000 and 20,000 up there, but those numbers are so shrimpy in comparison that it almost doesnt matter. 3.97 avg rating 549 ratings published 2010 5 editions. It turns out that when taking into account the astonishing number of possibilities of parents meeting, grandparents meeting before them, and so on going back generations, and then adding the vast number of sperm and ova in possible combinations over decades of the marital act in all those generations, the odds of me existing just as I do are about 1 in 102,685,000. Think of how strong our ancestors had to be to allow us to eat a sandwich or sing Happy Birthday. So to the second question: how accurate is this number? So I got curious: Are either of these estimates correct? Fortunately, just such a person is poised at the keyboard right now, so lets get started. The odds of red or black are 50:50 with each spin of the wheel. Step 3. That should always be a great sense of wonder and a real source of gratitude. The scientists and Buddhists seem to agree. You exist, that is the only probable outcome, so the probability of you being you is 1. But let's think about this some more. But, despite your being an extremely wonderful person, such a statement is wildly inaccurate. Xahej (ZAH-edge) "Xi" Bajipura she/her/Ms. First, your parents have to meet, then stay together long enough to reproduce, then conceive you at the exact right time so that the right egg drops (your mother has 100,000 in her lifetime), then the right sperm must make it in (your father produces 4 trillion during the years you could be born). (Just dont blow up your car trying to have the exhaust be blue smoke like I saw on that viral video, or set any forests on fire, lets keep it safe, kids.). dr ali binazir odds of being born jeffrey dahmer museum milwaukee Every beginning Is only a sequel, after all, and the book of events is always open halfway through. The numbers are getting plenty huge as it is. Because the existence of you here now on planet earth presupposes another supremely unlikely and utterly undeniable chain of events. Thats just the observable Universe; we havent the faintest idea what is beyond what we can detect with our instruments. He assumes each person is alert and awake for eight hours a day (this allows for downtime watching reality TV shows when the human brain is entirely inactive). There were doorknobs and doorbells where one touch had covered another beforehand. Theologically, of course, we are no accident; we do not exist by happenstance. Wowser. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. In other words, as this infographic figures it, you are totally improbable. So the combined probability is already around one in 40 million -- long but not insurmountable odds. The learned professor was actually pulling everyones legs, but Littlewoods Law has been conscripted as proof of a number of strange theories. "That's a pretty big number," I thought to myself. Lets say a third of those (4 trillion) are relevant to our calculation, since the sperm created after your mom hits menopause dont count. You are a representative of an unbroken lineage of life going back 4 billion years. The probability that you came about is the same as that turtle sticking its head out of the water -- into the middle of that life preserver. Not only are you and I contingent, we are highly improbable! As a comparison, the number of atoms in the body of an average male (80kg, 175 lb) is 1027. For the curious, that is expressed as one in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Fortunes were lost as players bet huge amounts on red in the erroneous belief that the law of probabilities dictated the ball would not drop on black again. He goes further back to look at the probability of all your ancestors successfully mating, and of all the right sperm meeting all the right eggs to make each one of those ancestors. Dr. Binazir is an author and personal change specialist who studied at. But even if you dont believe in that, the science is enough. Astronomers estimate that there are at least 100 billion galaxies in the observable Universe. The Nobel Prize winning poet Wislawa Szymborska once wrote about two lovers who liked to think they'd met entirely by chance, but no, she says, there was nothing chancy about it. Now things start getting interesting. Lets say a third of those (4 trillion or 4 x 10, So, the chance of your particular chain of ancestors having remained unbroken for all that time would be 1 in 2, To account for all 150,000 generations, we raise 400 quadrillion to the 150,000, Thus, the probability of your existing at all is about 1 in 10, This video makes a moving point, but it attributes our existence to luck. Gather your loved ones around and give props to your incredibly resilient and badass survivor ancestors, while you explode your gender revel confetti poppers. But its not even remotely comparable with 10^2,685,000. A man will produce about 12 trillion sperm over the course of his reproductive lifetime. And the chances of that turning into another meeting is about one in 10 also. Perhaps three years ago or just last Tuesday a certain leaf fluttered from one shoulder to another? A miracle is an event so unlikely as to be almost impossible. Well then, that would be one in 2150,000 , which is about 1 in 1045,000 a number so staggeringly large that my head hurts just writing it down. xx, Lets be social! Thank you, Monsignor. Let's not get carried away here; we'll just deal with the human lineage. You are, He Will Come Like a Thief to Take Back What Is His, Flee to the Truth When Tempted A Homily for the First Sunday of Lent, Ash Wednesday Breaks All the Rules of Modern Churchthink. Dr. Ali Binazir illustrates the extremely unlikely chain of events that would have to occur in order for you to be born with this . was alerted to a fascinating article by Ali Binazir, who sets forth mathematically the probably that each of us exists. If they met one new person of the opposite sex every day from age 15 to 40, that would be about 10,000 people. Thats 150,000 generations. They each roll the dice -- and they all come up the exact same number -- say, 550,343,279,001. Thats a pretty straightforward calculation. Post your query OR Review in below comment box. Dr Ali Binazir is the author of the 'The Tao of Dating: The Smart Woman's Guide to Being Absolutely Irresistible', the highest-rated dating book on on May 07, 2020: Rupert, in spite of too many odds in a probability, bottom line is that it is just 2 numbers of the roulette, black and red. Even with the lowest statistic of 1 in 400 trillion, you would have a better chance of winning over $100 million dollar lottery 9 times over your life again than you would have being born. Probability of right sperm meeting right egg: one in 400 quadrillion. Probability of every one of your ancestors reproducing successfully: one in 10. Yes, youre here all right, and math can barely account for your existence, so tiny are the odds; but God has overseen every detail and knew you long before you were born. Step 1. Think of yourself as dead. That probability is low but the presence of super-novae throughout the cosmos is not. Multiplying it all together for the sake of completeness (Step 1 x Step 2 x Step 3 x Step 4): Probability of your being born: one in 10. Say humans or humanoids have been around for about 3 million years, and that a generation is about 20 years. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site.
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